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Educational Trips Around Literary London

London, as the capital of England, has the largest population in the United Kingdom. Situated on the River Thames, it was founded by the Romans in 43 A.D., and has since evolved into one of the most important cities of the world - economically, culturally and historically. With such an interesting and diverse background, educational trips to the city are extremely popular and can be a valuable learning tool across a diverse range of academic courses.
One of the most interesting ways to explore London, however, is to delve into the rich literary history of the city. As you walk through the streets, in the footsteps of the famous literati, it can often feel like little has changed over the centuries. Here are just a few famous names you can share the streets of London with.
Charles Dickens - The Pickwick Papers, Little Dorrit, and Oliver Twist; these are just a few of the many works that were written by Dickens, and inspired by the city he spent most of his life in - London. Educational trips that take in Dickens' London should begin with a stop at Warren's Blacking Factory - a boot polish factory near central London, where a young Dickens was sent to work to earn money for his family. Then, wander up to Charing Cross, where the Pickwickians began their travels, at the Golden Cross Hotel. Finally, head up to 48 Doughty Street, the house where Dickens and his family lived from 1837-1839. The building is now a museum dedicated to the author, where you can learn the minutiae of his life in London.
Virginia Woolf - Famous for being part of the Bloomsbury group, and, years later, for filling her pockets with rocks and walking into the water, Virginia Woolf has an intricate connection with the city of London. A true native of the city, she left only for brief spells, and for many years she and husband Leonard Woolf both lived and worked there. Any educational trips focusing on the literary must include some referencing to Virginia Woolf. To get a taste of this author's life, you should start at 6 Gordon Square, Bloomsbury, where she began her serious writing career. In 1915, she and Leonard moved to Hogarth House in Paradise Road, where later they founded the Hogarth Press, publishing several works before moving back closer to the city centre. Because of her intimate connection with the city, many of Woolf's characters also lived in London. With a copy of her novel Mrs Dalloway in hand, one can easily trace the lead character's walks through the city, to get an authentic sense of place.
William Blake - Often less thought of in terms of literary London than Dickens or Woolf, William Blake actually spent all but about three years of his life in the city. Educational trips with a literary lean should not ignore the writer's importance on the literary landscape. Begin your exploration with Wren's St. James's Church, Piccadilly, where Blake and his siblings were baptised. From there, seek out the playground on Goose Green in East Dulwich, where a mural is dedicated to one of Blake's early visions of angels. Next, venture to South Molton Street, to see the only London residence of Blake and his wife Catherine that has survived through the years. Finally, pay your respects at his unmarked grave in Bunhill Fields, bounded by City Road & Bunhill Row in Finsbury to say a final farewell. If you want to be assured that Blake's influence still exists, catch the tube over to Highgate and take a peek at the house William Blake designed, which was lived in by Samuel Coleridge and is now home to model Kate Moss.
Simon Prendergast works for FHT, a company specialising in flexible and inspiring educational trips across a wide range of subjects. FHT's educational trips benefit from over 40 years of experience arranging accommodation, educational itineraries, and everything leaders need to plan a successful trip.
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