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Multiculturalism: A Product of Massive Australian Migration

Multiculturalism is one of the most notable effect of massive Australian migration. The term is used to define the coming of different cultures and traditions brought by settlers from many parts of the world. It means different nationalities bringing their culture into one nation. In Australia, it refers to the acceptance of various cultural divisions among people. There are different arts and customs from different race groups taking place in the Land of Oz. High percentage of residents of Australia came from more than 200 countries, about 40%. And this people have definitely brought their culture. Up to now, there is a battle to know if it is good or bad for the country.

Over all, the government has cultural policies that takes care of the rights of their migrants. Australian government committed itself to diversity by coming up with effective and helpful national multicultural policy that will provide a framework to strengthen harmony of the community and promote the economic, cultural and social benefits of Australia's cultural diversity for all Australians.

Australian multiculturalism promotes mutual respect and equality to enhance social cohesion and the country's capacity to withstand both external and domestic tension. It embraces the heritage of indigenous Australians, early European settlement and ready to welcome traditions and experiences of new migrants coming to the country. All Australians have the opportunity to become active and equal participants in society, and are all assured that they will maintain their religious and cultural traditions within Australian law.

Everyone has a place in the Land of Oz, long as they take the right process of immigration. With Australia's cultural policy, an individual or group are not compelled to give up or sacrifice their religion or culture. But this doesn't mean that they can do anything that they want. The government implements laws and chastisements who would conduct any activities that violates the law, like human trafficking, prostitution, honor killings, witchcraft, black magic and many more. Intermarriage is also legalized in the country.

The government is committed in diminishing or totally destroying racism among its people. This is just one of the threats that a migrant and the government will face. Ignorance and misunderstanding about others' religion is battled out. Terrorism on the other hand is an issue for every person coming to the country. It is a threat that anyone can bring that's why the government is tightening immigration policies.

Some Australian sees multiculturalism as a bad effect. They say migrants take jobs from them. These migrants may also bring racial tension to the country and create and settle in ghettos. But as a whole, multiculturalism brings cultural diversity to the society. It drives more force to the country's culture and economy.

Multiculturalism in Australia is about making its citizens feel that sense of belonging that they need to make a great nation. It is security to both original Australian and aspirant settlers from different parts of the world.

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