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The Emergency Brought by Illegal Immigrants

People who didn't undergo a proper immigration to Australia are called illegal immigrants. They go aboard, without a due process. This has been one of the problems that Australian government is facing. The mere fact that they are illegal is already a crime. It also open doors for smugglers, plus the threat of terrorism is undeniably high.

To be in Australia, one must hold an Australia visa. No one is allowed to stay in the territory without undergoing a visa system.

A person becomes an illegal immigrant either because he/she does not hold any visa, or the visa has expired or canceled. There are a lot of terms used to define illegal settlers like prohibited non-citizens, illegal aliens, unlawful citizens, illegal immigrants, asylum seekers and the newest, boat people. No matter what name should we call them, they are all subjected to deportation, detention or grant of visa, upon the observance of the Australian law.

Asylum seekers are immigrants who never hesitate to migrate to Australia without even thinking of the future consequences, instead, they assume themselves with an asylum that will make them a legal Australian citizen.

Boat people are foreign nationals who perceives immigration laws of Australia weak, trying to enter Australia illegally. A wave of boat arrivals has the highest record in 1999 with a total of 3000, 1200 of them arrived in November, the largest to reach Australia, in the shortest time. Though there have been steps to send back these desperate refugees, some are welcomed compassionately, through responsive actions considering their human rights. Most of its passengers are people from China, Afghanistan and Iraq. Levels of desire and need to move from poor and war-torn countries have intensified, as opportunities for legal entry, even to traditional immigration countries, have diminished.

These illegal immigration have caused concern to the government and as well to its people. They take the jobs intended for legal residents. Not only that, their status is exposing them to abuse and exploitation by their employers or smugglers who organized their entry.

Boat people causes alarm. They brought a question mark to the Australian government whether they are capable or not to control who has the right to enter their borders. National security is also on the edge of disturbance. Population is also hard to control. The safety of these immigrants is on a risk. Illegal immigration is a man-made crisis.

But the Australian government is making policies that can minimize or completely eliminate illegal immigration. One is by putting the aliens in detention, a policy that have been criticized not only by some Australian analyst, but also by the United Nations. There are also suggestions that there should have full monitoring of the boundaries of the country to see illegal immigrants before they arrive at the shores.

Getting to Australia doesn't have to be burdensome, just take the legal steps. If you are afraid of responsibilities, you may hire an immigration service provider for further visa assistance for Australia.

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